Programmers Worldwide
How many software developers are there in the world?
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How many software developers are there in the world?
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Based on data from the Evans Data Corporation, there were 26.4 million software developers globally in 2019, and this number is projected to increase to 27.7 million in 2023 and 28.7 million in 2024. The United States leads the world in the number of developers with 4.2 million.
EDC estimates that in 2018, the number of software programmers worldwide grew to 22.3 million, compared to only 18.5 million in 2014.
According to statistics from Slashdata, there were 18.9 million developers worldwide in 2019, and this number is expected to skyrocket to 45 million by 2030. These figures highlight the growing significance of software development in today's world and the escalating demand for skilled programmers.
Number of Software Developers
How many software engineers are there in the United States?
As per the Evans Data Corporation's report in 2016, there were approximately 4.4 million software engineers in North America.
According to DataUSA, the number of individuals working as software, application, and system software developers in the U.S. reached 1.36 million in 2017.
Don't Quit Your Day Job's estimate is quite similar to the Evans Data Corporation's report, with 4.2 million developers in the U.S. as of 2019. This was discovered while attempting to determine the number of developers in various U.S. states.
Wondering how many software engineers are in the United States?
In 2016, the Evans Data Corporation reported that there were approximately 4.4 million software engineers in North America.
According to DataUSA, the number of individuals working as software, application, and system software developers in the U.S. reached 1.36 million in 2017.
Interestingly, Don't Quit Your Day Job's estimate is quite similar to the Evans Data Corporation's report, with 4.2 million developers in the U.S. as of 2019. This was discovered while attempting to determine the number of developers in various U.S. states.
% Software Developers
New Jersey
New Hampshire
Delaware California
Top 10 US states with the most software developers
By raw numbers, California leads with 628,000 developers. Second and third places go to Texas and New York with 325,000 and 218,000, respectively.
Number of Software Developers
628 414
324 717
New York
218 041
204 699
186 426
181 314
New Jersey
162 977
152 900
147 430
Washington, DC
143 971
How many software engineers are there in Europe?
StackOverflow's The data actually comes from a report by the European Commission, which estimated the number of ICT specialists in Europe at 4.7 million in 2016 and 5.7 million in 2018.
Germany boasts the highest number of ICT specialists, with approximately 901,000 individuals in the field. The UK and France follow closely behind, with 849,000 and 533,000 developers, respectively, making up the top three countries with the most software developers.
Number of Software Developers
United Kingdom
How many software engineers there are in Europe
ТNevertheless, we found some rough estimates on the Internet that may be helpful:
Java developers:
The number of Java developers varies greatly. In 2003, the number of Java developers was between 1.5 and 3 million. In 2007, when Java became open source, that number rose to 6 million. A global survey of developer population and demographics by Evans Data Corporation found that in 2009, the number of Java developers was 9 million, making Java one of the most commonly used programming languages worldwide.
According to SlashData, the number of Java developers worldvide as of September 2018 was 7.1 million.
For 2019, that number is expected to reach 7.6 million.
The number of #PHP developers was 5 million as of 2013 and 5.5 million as of September 2018.
According to a 2016 Stack Overflow developer survey, "JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language on Earth. Even back-end developers will use it more often than any other language." Meanwhile, the latest data provided by SlashData showed that there were 10.7 million software developers worldwide in 2018 who used #JavaScript.
Mobile app developers:
IIn 2016, the number of mobile app developers in the world was 12 million, and by 2020, it is expected to be 14 million.
According to EvansData, there are 5.9 million Android developers and 2.8 million iOS developers worldwide.
When it comes to the number of .NET developers worldwide, according to an old study dating back to 2004, there were about 6 million .NET developers. Today, according to many estimates, there are about 7-8 million .NET developers. Most of them use С Sharp.
In 2015, there were 4.4 million C+ software developers. Now that number has increased slightly to 5.4 million.
According to SlashData, in 2018 the number of Python developers was 7 million. Currently, #Python is gradually approaching Java in popularity.
The number of C # software developers in the world in 2018 was estimated at 6.2 million.
Other Interesting Statistics from Software Developers:
Regular surveys by Evans Data Corporation, DataUSA, and Stack Overflow offer many statistics for software developers. Here are the ones we find most interesting:
According to Evans Data, the average age of developers is 36 (EMEA 40, North America 39, Latin America 35, APAC 34). According to, the average age of software, application and systems software developers in the U.S. is 39.8, and male employees are typically 0.507 years younger than women.
According to the survey 2018, the average age of software developers in Ukraine is 21-29 years old.
Ukraine ranks 1st in the world in the number of software developers in C ++ and Unity3D, 2nd in Magento, JavaScript and Scala, and 3rd in the number of developers of PHP, #Ruby, .NET, Python and Symfony.
27,5% of developers in the world are women
80,7%of software, application and system software developers in the U.S. are men, the percentage of female software developers is 19,3%.
According to the 2019 Developer Survey, nearly 45% of professional developers learned to program less than 10 years ago.
Women write their first code later than men
76,5% developers indicated that they have a bachelor's degree or higher.
6 Millions of developers are involved in Big Data and Advanced Analytics
As of 2018, 29% of developers worldwide, or a total of 6,452,000 people, were using some form of AI or ML, and another 5.8 million are expected to start using AI or ML in the next six months.
2 Millions of developers are working on IoT applications
4 million developers (26%) use cloud development environments.
33% of women said that the most important driver of their development work is their personal curiosity and interest in the technology they use, whereas this is true for only 22% of men.