
What is it and what are its benefits?

Tester-AI is an AI-based tool designed to assist programmers worldwide.

What is artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of programs that can replicate human skills such as planning, problem-solving, informing, learning, and improving their functionality as they accumulate work experience. For instance, music service programs that recommend songs based on user preferences operate on the principle of artificial intelligence.

While humans use brain neurons to think, AI's thought process is based on the operation of neural networks that give systems the ability to develop new skills like humans. The main difference between AI and conventional human-generated information processing algorithms is that AI can learn and improve as it performs tasks. In other words, the more intensively the technology is used, the better it "understands" the customer's needs. In contrast, the work of a typical system remains unchanged over time.

Today, AI technology is being implemented in almost every sector, including business, government agencies, production, trade structures, logistics, educational and medical institutions, and individual use. The effectiveness of AI applications is gradually increasing due to the constant increase in memory capacity and strengthening of neural network internal connections.

Initially, AI was assumed to be capable of only translating texts, recognizing objects, and understanding spoken words. However, it is now becoming clear that its capabilities are almost limitless, and AI is entering a wide variety of areas of life.

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